Article I
The name of this organization shall be the Missoula International Friendship Program (MIFP).
Article II
The purpose of this organization is to provide a community hospitality and educational program for the University of Montana foreign students and scholars, to increase opportunities for intercultural awareness.
The Missoula International Friendship Program promotes international awareness and friendship between international students and scholars at The University of Montana and the greater Missoula community. It is a community-based, all volunteer, non-profit organization.
Article III
Officers and Board Members
A. The MIFP Board of Directors consists of four elected officers and a minimum of six to a maximum of twelve active members, all of whom shall be voting members. There shall be up to three ex-officio, non-voting members from the University of Montana, including a representative of the Foreign Student & Scholar Services, and a representative of the International Students Association (ISA).
B. Lifetime Board membership may be granted to a Board volunteer. Requirements are service on the Board for a total of ten or more years and great commitment to the purpose and goals of MIFP. Lifetime membership shall be approved by a majority of the current Board of Directors. A lifetime Board member may be an active Board member with all voting privileges and responsibilities. Non-active lifetime Board member shall not have the voting privileges of a Board member.
Article IV
The Board of Directors shall meet once per month, or as necessary. The President shall call special meetings when needed or when a majority of the group so requests. During the spring a retreat will be held to plan for the following year.
Article V
Officers, Elections, and Resignations/Removal from the Board or MIFP
A. OFFICERS: The Board shall have four elected officers: President, Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, and Treasurer.
1. President: The President shall conduct monthly and special meetings. If the President is unable to attend a meeting, the Vice President shall conduct the meeting. The President shall appoint committee chairs, and provide leadership and guidance through the term of office.
2. Correspondence Secretary: The Correspondence Secretary is responsible for all MIFP correspondence.
3. Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of each meeting, and mail or email minutes to Board members following each meeting. The Recording Secretary shall also give notice of elections and slates of candidates for election of officers and Board members, and that election procedure is followed.
4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall oversee the MIFP bank account, handle tax and non-profit reporting, and keep the Board informed of the financial condition of MIFP. All expenditures over $200.00 must be approved by the Board.
Terms of Office: The term for each officer shall run one year from June 1 through May 31. All Board members shall be approved to serve two-year terms, also beginning June 1. Members must re-apply to the Board for consecutive, additional two-year terms.
1. A quorum is two-thirds (2/3) of the voting Board.
2. Officers and Board members shall be elected by a simple majority vote at the Spring retreat. Voting shall be accomplished in a confidential manner.
1. If an officer resigns, an election will be held to fill the office. If any Board member who is not an officer resigns prior to the expiration of his or her term, the Board may select a replacement for him or her.
2. Removal of Officers or Board members will be decided by a simple majority vote of the voting Board. Any election or vote on removal of an officer or Board member, or change of by-laws, shall be after thirty days' notice to all Board members.
Removal of a community friend or program volunteer shall occur only when two-thirds of the voting Board membership deems such removal is in the best interest of the organization.
Article VI
A. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of June.
B. Depository: The funds of the organization shall be deposited in a bank or credit union account in the name of the organization, and withdrawn only by persons designated on the bank account.
Article VII
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board. Thirty days' notice of such proposed amendment shall be provided.
Article VIII
Upon dissolution, the assets of the organization remaining after payment and discharge of all debts and liability of the organization shall be transferred to the Foreign Student Loan Fund of the University of Montana, or to some other 501(c)(3) organization serving international students and the fostering of intercultural relations.
Approved in September 2010. Amended in 2018.